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Foreword: Welcome to Our Journey

Welcome to the High Noon blog, and thank you for joining me on this journey. My name is Dwight Cenac II, and I’m the founder of High Noon Game, Inc and the creator of the High Noon board game. This blog is more than just a place for business advice—it’s a space where you’ll get to know both me and the heart and soul of High Noon. Here, I’ll share the stories, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped both my personal journey and the evolution of this company, giving you a glimpse into the principles and values that drive everything we do.

Who I Am

High Noon didn’t start out as a polished, well-oiled machine—it began as my passion project, fueled by a relentless drive to create something meaningful in the world of board games. My own journey started much earlier, with various side hustles and entrepreneurial ventures that taught me the basics of business. But it wasn’t until I joined my family’s business that I truly began to understand what it takes to build something lasting.

In the family business, I faced the harsh realities of a struggling company—disgruntled employees, a toxic work environment, and an industry on the brink of massive change. I had to learn fast, taking massive action to turn the company around while educating myself in a business landscape I knew little about. Though the journey with my family’s business ended in disappointment, it was also the crucible that prepared me for the challenges I would face in building High Noon.

What You Can Expect from This Blog

This blog is a reflection of both my personal journey and the evolution of High Noon Game, Inc. It’s a space where I share not just business insights, but the values and experiences that make High Noon what it is today. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Personal and Company Stories: I’ll be sharing the highs and lows of my entrepreneurial journey, as well as the story of High Noon—from its humble beginnings to where we are now. These stories are the foundation of the principles and strategies that guide my company.

  2. High Noon’s Core Values: At High Noon, our core values are more than just words—they’re the guiding principles that shape every decision I make. In this blog, I’ll dive deep into these values, explaining why they matter, how they were chosen, and how they influence everything we do.

  3. Practical Insights and High Noon’s Perspective: While this blog will share personal experiences, it will also include practical advice from the perspective of High Noon. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a board game enthusiast, or someone interested in the business behind the games, there will be valuable takeaways for you.

  4. A Challenge to Think Differently: I’m not just here to offer advice—I’m here to challenge you to think critically about your own journey and the principles that guide it. Whether it’s about choosing your core values, deciding how to scale your business, or navigating setbacks, I’ll encourage you to dig deeper and make decisions that align with your long-term goals.

Why This Matters

High Noon is more than just a board game company—it’s a reflection of the values, integrity, and commitment that I’ve carried with me throughout my entrepreneurial journey. In a world full of noise, quick tips, and shortcuts, I’m here to offer something real and meaningful. My goal is to help you build something lasting, whether that’s a business, a creative project, or a life you’re proud of.

So, whether you’re here to learn, to be inspired, or just to get to know me and High Noon better, I’m glad you’ve joined. Let’s build something great together.

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